// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Written by Zoltan Csizmadia, zoltan_csizmadia@yahoo.com
// For companies(Austin,TX): If you would like to get my resume, send an email.
// The source is free, but if you want to use it, mention my name and e-mail address
// History:
//    1.0      Initial version                  Zoltan Csizmadia
//    1.1      WhineCube version                Masken
//    1.2      Dolphin version                  Masken
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

#if defined(WIN32)
#include <cstdio>
#include <windows.h>
#include "common/extended_trace.h"
#include "common/string_util.h"
using namespace std;

#include <tchar.h>
#include <ImageHlp.h>

#define BUFFERSIZE   0x200
#pragma warning(disable:4996)

// Unicode safe char* -> TCHAR* conversion
void PCSTR2LPTSTR( PCSTR lpszIn, LPTSTR lpszOut )
#if defined(UNICODE)||defined(_UNICODE)
    ULONG index = 0; 
    PCSTR lpAct = lpszIn;

    for( ; ; lpAct++ )
        lpszOut[index++] = (TCHAR)(*lpAct);
        if ( *lpAct == 0 )
    // This is trivial :)
    strcpy( lpszOut, lpszIn );

// Let's figure out the path for the symbol files
// Search path= ".;%_NT_SYMBOL_PATH%;%_NT_ALTERNATE_SYMBOL_PATH%;%SYSTEMROOT%;%SYSTEMROOT%\System32;" + lpszIniPath
// Note: There is no size check for lpszSymbolPath!
static void InitSymbolPath( PSTR lpszSymbolPath, PCSTR lpszIniPath )
    CHAR lpszPath[BUFFERSIZE];

    // Creating the default path
    strcpy( lpszSymbolPath, "." );

    // environment variable _NT_SYMBOL_PATH
    if ( GetEnvironmentVariableA( "_NT_SYMBOL_PATH", lpszPath, BUFFERSIZE ) )
        strcat( lpszSymbolPath, ";" );
        strcat( lpszSymbolPath, lpszPath );

    // environment variable _NT_ALTERNATE_SYMBOL_PATH
    if ( GetEnvironmentVariableA( "_NT_ALTERNATE_SYMBOL_PATH", lpszPath, BUFFERSIZE ) )
        strcat( lpszSymbolPath, ";" );
        strcat( lpszSymbolPath, lpszPath );

    // environment variable SYSTEMROOT
    if ( GetEnvironmentVariableA( "SYSTEMROOT", lpszPath, BUFFERSIZE ) )
        strcat( lpszSymbolPath, ";" );
        strcat( lpszSymbolPath, lpszPath );
        strcat( lpszSymbolPath, ";" );

        // SYSTEMROOT\System32
        strcat( lpszSymbolPath, lpszPath );
        strcat( lpszSymbolPath, "\\System32" );

    // Add user defined path
    if ( lpszIniPath != NULL )
        if ( lpszIniPath[0] != '\0' )
            strcat( lpszSymbolPath, ";" );
            strcat( lpszSymbolPath, lpszIniPath );

// Uninitialize the loaded symbol files
BOOL UninitSymInfo() {
    return SymCleanup( GetCurrentProcess() );

// Initializes the symbol files
BOOL InitSymInfo( PCSTR lpszInitialSymbolPath )
    CHAR     lpszSymbolPath[BUFFERSIZE];
    DWORD    symOptions = SymGetOptions();

    symOptions |= SYMOPT_LOAD_LINES; 
    symOptions &= ~SYMOPT_UNDNAME;
    SymSetOptions( symOptions );
    InitSymbolPath( lpszSymbolPath, lpszInitialSymbolPath );

    return SymInitialize( GetCurrentProcess(), lpszSymbolPath, TRUE);

// Get the module name from a given address
static BOOL GetModuleNameFromAddress( UINT address, LPTSTR lpszModule )
    BOOL              ret = FALSE;
    IMAGEHLP_MODULE   moduleInfo;

    ::ZeroMemory( &moduleInfo, sizeof(moduleInfo) );
    moduleInfo.SizeOfStruct = sizeof(moduleInfo);

    if ( SymGetModuleInfo( GetCurrentProcess(), (DWORD)address, &moduleInfo ) )
        // Got it!
        PCSTR2LPTSTR( moduleInfo.ModuleName, lpszModule );
        ret = TRUE;
        // Not found :(
        _tcscpy( lpszModule, _T("?") );

    return ret;

// Get function prototype and parameter info from ip address and stack address
static BOOL GetFunctionInfoFromAddresses( ULONG fnAddress, ULONG stackAddress, LPTSTR lpszSymbol )
    BOOL              ret = FALSE;
    DWORD             dwSymSize = 10000;
    TCHAR             lpszUnDSymbol[BUFFERSIZE]=_T("?");
    CHAR              lpszNonUnicodeUnDSymbol[BUFFERSIZE]="?";
    LPTSTR            lpszParamSep = NULL;
    LPTSTR            lpszParsed = lpszUnDSymbol;

    ::ZeroMemory( pSym, dwSymSize );
    pSym->SizeOfStruct = dwSymSize;
    pSym->MaxNameLength = dwSymSize - sizeof(IMAGEHLP_SYMBOL);

    // Set the default to unknown
    _tcscpy( lpszSymbol, _T("?") );

    // Get symbol info for IP
#ifndef _M_X64
    DWORD             dwDisp = 0;
    if ( SymGetSymFromAddr( GetCurrentProcess(), (ULONG)fnAddress, &dwDisp, pSym ) )
    //makes it compile but hell im not sure if this works...
    DWORD64           dwDisp = 0;
    if ( SymGetSymFromAddr( GetCurrentProcess(), (ULONG)fnAddress, (PDWORD64)&dwDisp, pSym ) )
        // Make the symbol readable for humans
        UnDecorateSymbolName( pSym->Name, lpszNonUnicodeUnDSymbol, BUFFERSIZE, 
            UNDNAME_COMPLETE | 

        // Symbol information is ANSI string
        PCSTR2LPTSTR( lpszNonUnicodeUnDSymbol, lpszUnDSymbol );

        // I am just smarter than the symbol file :)
        if (_tcscmp(lpszUnDSymbol, _T("_WinMain@16")) == 0)
            _tcscpy(lpszUnDSymbol, _T("WinMain(HINSTANCE,HINSTANCE,LPCTSTR,int)"));
        else if (_tcscmp(lpszUnDSymbol, _T("_main")) == 0)
            _tcscpy(lpszUnDSymbol, _T("main(int,TCHAR * *)"));
        else if (_tcscmp(lpszUnDSymbol, _T("_mainCRTStartup")) == 0)
            _tcscpy(lpszUnDSymbol, _T("mainCRTStartup()"));
        else if (_tcscmp(lpszUnDSymbol, _T("_wmain")) == 0)
            _tcscpy(lpszUnDSymbol, _T("wmain(int,TCHAR * *,TCHAR * *)"));
        else if (_tcscmp(lpszUnDSymbol, _T("_wmainCRTStartup")) == 0)
            _tcscpy(lpszUnDSymbol, _T("wmainCRTStartup()"));

        lpszSymbol[0] = _T('\0');

        // Let's go through the stack, and modify the function prototype, and insert the actual
        // parameter values from the stack
        if ( _tcsstr( lpszUnDSymbol, _T("(void)") ) == NULL && _tcsstr( lpszUnDSymbol, _T("()") ) == NULL)
            ULONG index = 0;
            for( ; ; index++ )
                lpszParamSep = _tcschr( lpszParsed, _T(',') );
                if ( lpszParamSep == NULL )

                *lpszParamSep = _T('\0');

                _tcscat( lpszSymbol, lpszParsed );
                _stprintf( lpszSymbol + _tcslen(lpszSymbol), _T("=0x%08X,"), *((ULONG*)(stackAddress) + 2 + index) );

                lpszParsed = lpszParamSep + 1;

            lpszParamSep = _tcschr( lpszParsed, _T(')') );
            if ( lpszParamSep != NULL )
                *lpszParamSep = _T('\0');

                _tcscat( lpszSymbol, lpszParsed );
                _stprintf( lpszSymbol + _tcslen(lpszSymbol), _T("=0x%08X)"), *((ULONG*)(stackAddress) + 2 + index) );

                lpszParsed = lpszParamSep + 1;

        _tcscat( lpszSymbol, lpszParsed );

        ret = TRUE;
    GlobalFree( pSym );

    return ret;

// Get source file name and line number from IP address
// The output format is: "sourcefile(linenumber)" or
//                       "modulename!address" or
//                       "address"
static BOOL GetSourceInfoFromAddress( UINT address, LPTSTR lpszSourceInfo )
    BOOL           ret = FALSE;
    IMAGEHLP_LINE  lineInfo;
    DWORD          dwDisp;
    TCHAR          lpszFileName[BUFFERSIZE] = _T("");
    TCHAR          lpModuleInfo[BUFFERSIZE] = _T("");

    _tcscpy( lpszSourceInfo, _T("?(?)") );

    ::ZeroMemory( &lineInfo, sizeof( lineInfo ) );
    lineInfo.SizeOfStruct = sizeof( lineInfo );

    if ( SymGetLineFromAddr( GetCurrentProcess(), address, &dwDisp, &lineInfo ) )
        // Got it. Let's use "sourcefile(linenumber)" format
        PCSTR2LPTSTR( lineInfo.FileName, lpszFileName );
        TCHAR fname[_MAX_FNAME];
        TCHAR ext[_MAX_EXT];
        _tsplitpath(lpszFileName, NULL, NULL, fname, ext);
        _stprintf( lpszSourceInfo, _T("%s%s(%d)"), fname, ext, lineInfo.LineNumber );
        ret = TRUE;
        // There is no source file information. :(
        // Let's use the "modulename!address" format
        GetModuleNameFromAddress( address, lpModuleInfo );

        if ( lpModuleInfo[0] == _T('?') || lpModuleInfo[0] == _T('\0'))
            // There is no modulename information. :((
            // Let's use the "address" format
            _stprintf( lpszSourceInfo, _T("0x%08X"), address );
            _stprintf( lpszSourceInfo, _T("%s!0x%08X"), lpModuleInfo, address );

        ret = FALSE;

    return ret;

void PrintFunctionAndSourceInfo(FILE* file, const STACKFRAME& callstack)
    TCHAR symInfo[BUFFERSIZE] = _T("?");
    TCHAR srcInfo[BUFFERSIZE] = _T("?");

    GetFunctionInfoFromAddresses((ULONG)callstack.AddrPC.Offset, (ULONG)callstack.AddrFrame.Offset, symInfo);
    GetSourceInfoFromAddress((ULONG)callstack.AddrPC.Offset, srcInfo);
    etfprint(file, "     " + Common::TStrToUTF8(srcInfo) + " : " + Common::TStrToUTF8(symInfo) + "\n");

void StackTrace( HANDLE hThread, const char* lpszMessage, FILE *file )
    STACKFRAME     callStack;
    BOOL           bResult;
    CONTEXT        context;
    HANDLE         hProcess = GetCurrentProcess();

    // If it's not this thread, let's suspend it, and resume it at the end
    if ( hThread != GetCurrentThread() )
        if ( SuspendThread( hThread ) == -1 )
            // whaaat ?!
            etfprint(file, "Call stack info failed\n");

        ::ZeroMemory( &context, sizeof(context) );
        context.ContextFlags = CONTEXT_FULL;

        if ( !GetThreadContext( hThread, &context ) )
            etfprint(file, "Call stack info failed\n");

        ::ZeroMemory( &callStack, sizeof(callStack) );
#ifndef _M_X64
        callStack.AddrPC.Offset    = context.Eip;
        callStack.AddrStack.Offset = context.Esp;
        callStack.AddrFrame.Offset = context.Ebp;
        callStack.AddrPC.Offset    = context.Rip;
        callStack.AddrStack.Offset = context.Rsp;
        callStack.AddrFrame.Offset = context.Rbp;
        callStack.AddrPC.Mode      = AddrModeFlat;
        callStack.AddrStack.Mode   = AddrModeFlat;
        callStack.AddrFrame.Mode   = AddrModeFlat;

        etfprint(file, "Call stack info: \n");
        etfprint(file, lpszMessage);

        PrintFunctionAndSourceInfo(file, callStack);

        for( ULONG index = 0; ; index++ ) 
            bResult = StackWalk(

            if ( index == 0 )

            if( !bResult || callStack.AddrFrame.Offset == 0 ) 

            PrintFunctionAndSourceInfo(file, callStack);


        if ( hThread != GetCurrentThread() )
            ResumeThread( hThread );

void StackTrace(HANDLE hThread, const char* lpszMessage, FILE *file, DWORD eip, DWORD esp, DWORD ebp )
    STACKFRAME     callStack;
    BOOL           bResult;
    TCHAR          symInfo[BUFFERSIZE] = _T("?");
    TCHAR          srcInfo[BUFFERSIZE] = _T("?");
    HANDLE         hProcess = GetCurrentProcess();

    // If it's not this thread, let's suspend it, and resume it at the end
    if ( hThread != GetCurrentThread() )
        if ( SuspendThread( hThread ) == -1 )
            // whaaat ?!
            etfprint(file, "Call stack info failed\n");

        ::ZeroMemory( &callStack, sizeof(callStack) );
        callStack.AddrPC.Offset    = eip;
        callStack.AddrStack.Offset = esp;
        callStack.AddrFrame.Offset = ebp;
        callStack.AddrPC.Mode      = AddrModeFlat;
        callStack.AddrStack.Mode   = AddrModeFlat;
        callStack.AddrFrame.Mode   = AddrModeFlat;

        etfprint(file, "Call stack info: \n");
        etfprint(file, lpszMessage);

        PrintFunctionAndSourceInfo(file, callStack);

        for( ULONG index = 0; ; index++ ) 
            bResult = StackWalk(

            if ( index == 0 )

            if( !bResult || callStack.AddrFrame.Offset == 0 ) 

            PrintFunctionAndSourceInfo(file, callStack);

        if ( hThread != GetCurrentThread() )
            ResumeThread( hThread );

char g_uefbuf[2048];

void etfprintf(FILE *file, const char *format, ...)
    va_list ap;
    va_start(ap, format);
    int len = vsprintf(g_uefbuf, format, ap);
    fwrite(g_uefbuf, 1, len, file);

void etfprint(FILE *file, const std::string &text)
    size_t len = text.length();
    fwrite(text.data(), 1, len, file);

#endif //WIN32