From d27cb1dedca7ff5e977668160bf3e24b75beb092 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Yuri Kunde Schlesner <>
Date: Thu, 15 Dec 2016 22:30:43 -0800
Subject: [PATCH] VideoCore/Shader: Move DebugData to a separate file

 src/video_core/CMakeLists.txt                |   1 +
 src/video_core/shader/debug_data.h           | 186 +++++++++++++++++++
 src/video_core/shader/shader.h               | 173 +----------------
 src/video_core/shader/shader_interpreter.cpp |   1 +
 4 files changed, 189 insertions(+), 172 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 src/video_core/shader/debug_data.h

diff --git a/src/video_core/CMakeLists.txt b/src/video_core/CMakeLists.txt
index 9aa446a8f..6ca319b59 100644
--- a/src/video_core/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/src/video_core/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -39,6 +39,7 @@ set(HEADERS
+            shader/debug_data.h
diff --git a/src/video_core/shader/debug_data.h b/src/video_core/shader/debug_data.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b0ccf437d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/video_core/shader/debug_data.h
@@ -0,0 +1,186 @@
+// Copyright 2016 Citra Emulator Project
+// Licensed under GPLv2 or any later version
+// Refer to the license.txt file included.
+#pragma once
+#include <vector>
+#include "common/common_types.h"
+#include "common/vector_math.h"
+#include "video_core/pica_types.h"
+namespace Pica {
+namespace Shader {
+/// Helper structure used to keep track of data useful for inspection of shader emulation
+template <bool full_debugging>
+struct DebugData;
+template <>
+struct DebugData<false> {
+    // TODO: Hide these behind and interface and move them to DebugData<true>
+    u32 max_offset;    ///< maximum program counter ever reached
+    u32 max_opdesc_id; ///< maximum swizzle pattern index ever used
+template <>
+struct DebugData<true> {
+    /// Records store the input and output operands of a particular instruction.
+    struct Record {
+        enum Type {
+            // Floating point arithmetic operands
+            SRC1 = 0x1,
+            SRC2 = 0x2,
+            SRC3 = 0x4,
+            // Initial and final output operand value
+            DEST_IN = 0x8,
+            DEST_OUT = 0x10,
+            // Current and next instruction offset (in words)
+            CUR_INSTR = 0x20,
+            NEXT_INSTR = 0x40,
+            // Output address register value
+            ADDR_REG_OUT = 0x80,
+            // Result of a comparison instruction
+            CMP_RESULT = 0x100,
+            // Input values for conditional flow control instructions
+            COND_BOOL_IN = 0x200,
+            COND_CMP_IN = 0x400,
+            // Input values for a loop
+            LOOP_INT_IN = 0x800,
+        };
+        Math::Vec4<float24> src1;
+        Math::Vec4<float24> src2;
+        Math::Vec4<float24> src3;
+        Math::Vec4<float24> dest_in;
+        Math::Vec4<float24> dest_out;
+        s32 address_registers[2];
+        bool conditional_code[2];
+        bool cond_bool;
+        bool cond_cmp[2];
+        Math::Vec4<u8> loop_int;
+        u32 instruction_offset;
+        u32 next_instruction;
+        /// set of enabled fields (as a combination of Type flags)
+        unsigned mask = 0;
+    };
+    u32 max_offset;    ///< maximum program counter ever reached
+    u32 max_opdesc_id; ///< maximum swizzle pattern index ever used
+    /// List of records for each executed shader instruction
+    std::vector<DebugData<true>::Record> records;
+/// Type alias for better readability
+using DebugDataRecord = DebugData<true>::Record;
+/// Helper function to set a DebugData<true>::Record field based on the template enum parameter.
+template <DebugDataRecord::Type type, typename ValueType>
+inline void SetField(DebugDataRecord& record, ValueType value);
+template <>
+inline void SetField<DebugDataRecord::SRC1>(DebugDataRecord& record, float24* value) {
+    record.src1.x = value[0];
+    record.src1.y = value[1];
+    record.src1.z = value[2];
+    record.src1.w = value[3];
+template <>
+inline void SetField<DebugDataRecord::SRC2>(DebugDataRecord& record, float24* value) {
+    record.src2.x = value[0];
+    record.src2.y = value[1];
+    record.src2.z = value[2];
+    record.src2.w = value[3];
+template <>
+inline void SetField<DebugDataRecord::SRC3>(DebugDataRecord& record, float24* value) {
+    record.src3.x = value[0];
+    record.src3.y = value[1];
+    record.src3.z = value[2];
+    record.src3.w = value[3];
+template <>
+inline void SetField<DebugDataRecord::DEST_IN>(DebugDataRecord& record, float24* value) {
+    record.dest_in.x = value[0];
+    record.dest_in.y = value[1];
+    record.dest_in.z = value[2];
+    record.dest_in.w = value[3];
+template <>
+inline void SetField<DebugDataRecord::DEST_OUT>(DebugDataRecord& record, float24* value) {
+    record.dest_out.x = value[0];
+    record.dest_out.y = value[1];
+    record.dest_out.z = value[2];
+    record.dest_out.w = value[3];
+template <>
+inline void SetField<DebugDataRecord::ADDR_REG_OUT>(DebugDataRecord& record, s32* value) {
+    record.address_registers[0] = value[0];
+    record.address_registers[1] = value[1];
+template <>
+inline void SetField<DebugDataRecord::CMP_RESULT>(DebugDataRecord& record, bool* value) {
+    record.conditional_code[0] = value[0];
+    record.conditional_code[1] = value[1];
+template <>
+inline void SetField<DebugDataRecord::COND_BOOL_IN>(DebugDataRecord& record, bool value) {
+    record.cond_bool = value;
+template <>
+inline void SetField<DebugDataRecord::COND_CMP_IN>(DebugDataRecord& record, bool* value) {
+    record.cond_cmp[0] = value[0];
+    record.cond_cmp[1] = value[1];
+template <>
+inline void SetField<DebugDataRecord::LOOP_INT_IN>(DebugDataRecord& record, Math::Vec4<u8> value) {
+    record.loop_int = value;
+template <>
+inline void SetField<DebugDataRecord::CUR_INSTR>(DebugDataRecord& record, u32 value) {
+    record.instruction_offset = value;
+template <>
+inline void SetField<DebugDataRecord::NEXT_INSTR>(DebugDataRecord& record, u32 value) {
+    record.next_instruction = value;
+/// Helper function to set debug information on the current shader iteration.
+template <DebugDataRecord::Type type, typename ValueType>
+inline void Record(DebugData<false>& debug_data, u32 offset, ValueType value) {
+    // Debugging disabled => nothing to do
+template <DebugDataRecord::Type type, typename ValueType>
+inline void Record(DebugData<true>& debug_data, u32 offset, ValueType value) {
+    if (offset >= debug_data.records.size())
+        debug_data.records.resize(offset + 1);
+    SetField<type, ValueType>(debug_data.records[offset], value);
+    debug_data.records[offset].mask |= type;
+} // namespace Shader
+} // namespace Pica
diff --git a/src/video_core/shader/shader.h b/src/video_core/shader/shader.h
index 0111d8c0f..87c4e0b6f 100644
--- a/src/video_core/shader/shader.h
+++ b/src/video_core/shader/shader.h
@@ -8,8 +8,6 @@
 #include <cstddef>
 #include <memory>
 #include <type_traits>
-#include <vector>
-#include <boost/container/static_vector.hpp>
 #include <nihstro/shader_bytecode.h>
 #include "common/assert.h"
 #include "common/common_funcs.h"
@@ -17,6 +15,7 @@
 #include "common/vector_math.h"
 #include "video_core/pica.h"
 #include "video_core/pica_types.h"
+#include "video_core/shader/debug_data.h"
 using nihstro::RegisterType;
 using nihstro::SourceRegister;
@@ -89,176 +88,6 @@ struct OutputRegisters {
 static_assert(std::is_pod<OutputRegisters>::value, "Structure is not POD");
-// Helper structure used to keep track of data useful for inspection of shader emulation
-template <bool full_debugging>
-struct DebugData;
-template <>
-struct DebugData<false> {
-    // TODO: Hide these behind and interface and move them to DebugData<true>
-    u32 max_offset;    // maximum program counter ever reached
-    u32 max_opdesc_id; // maximum swizzle pattern index ever used
-template <>
-struct DebugData<true> {
-    // Records store the input and output operands of a particular instruction.
-    struct Record {
-        enum Type {
-            // Floating point arithmetic operands
-            SRC1 = 0x1,
-            SRC2 = 0x2,
-            SRC3 = 0x4,
-            // Initial and final output operand value
-            DEST_IN = 0x8,
-            DEST_OUT = 0x10,
-            // Current and next instruction offset (in words)
-            CUR_INSTR = 0x20,
-            NEXT_INSTR = 0x40,
-            // Output address register value
-            ADDR_REG_OUT = 0x80,
-            // Result of a comparison instruction
-            CMP_RESULT = 0x100,
-            // Input values for conditional flow control instructions
-            COND_BOOL_IN = 0x200,
-            COND_CMP_IN = 0x400,
-            // Input values for a loop
-            LOOP_INT_IN = 0x800,
-        };
-        Math::Vec4<float24> src1;
-        Math::Vec4<float24> src2;
-        Math::Vec4<float24> src3;
-        Math::Vec4<float24> dest_in;
-        Math::Vec4<float24> dest_out;
-        s32 address_registers[2];
-        bool conditional_code[2];
-        bool cond_bool;
-        bool cond_cmp[2];
-        Math::Vec4<u8> loop_int;
-        u32 instruction_offset;
-        u32 next_instruction;
-        // set of enabled fields (as a combination of Type flags)
-        unsigned mask = 0;
-    };
-    u32 max_offset;    // maximum program counter ever reached
-    u32 max_opdesc_id; // maximum swizzle pattern index ever used
-    // List of records for each executed shader instruction
-    std::vector<DebugData<true>::Record> records;
-// Type alias for better readability
-using DebugDataRecord = DebugData<true>::Record;
-// Helper function to set a DebugData<true>::Record field based on the template enum parameter.
-template <DebugDataRecord::Type type, typename ValueType>
-inline void SetField(DebugDataRecord& record, ValueType value);
-template <>
-inline void SetField<DebugDataRecord::SRC1>(DebugDataRecord& record, float24* value) {
-    record.src1.x = value[0];
-    record.src1.y = value[1];
-    record.src1.z = value[2];
-    record.src1.w = value[3];
-template <>
-inline void SetField<DebugDataRecord::SRC2>(DebugDataRecord& record, float24* value) {
-    record.src2.x = value[0];
-    record.src2.y = value[1];
-    record.src2.z = value[2];
-    record.src2.w = value[3];
-template <>
-inline void SetField<DebugDataRecord::SRC3>(DebugDataRecord& record, float24* value) {
-    record.src3.x = value[0];
-    record.src3.y = value[1];
-    record.src3.z = value[2];
-    record.src3.w = value[3];
-template <>
-inline void SetField<DebugDataRecord::DEST_IN>(DebugDataRecord& record, float24* value) {
-    record.dest_in.x = value[0];
-    record.dest_in.y = value[1];
-    record.dest_in.z = value[2];
-    record.dest_in.w = value[3];
-template <>
-inline void SetField<DebugDataRecord::DEST_OUT>(DebugDataRecord& record, float24* value) {
-    record.dest_out.x = value[0];
-    record.dest_out.y = value[1];
-    record.dest_out.z = value[2];
-    record.dest_out.w = value[3];
-template <>
-inline void SetField<DebugDataRecord::ADDR_REG_OUT>(DebugDataRecord& record, s32* value) {
-    record.address_registers[0] = value[0];
-    record.address_registers[1] = value[1];
-template <>
-inline void SetField<DebugDataRecord::CMP_RESULT>(DebugDataRecord& record, bool* value) {
-    record.conditional_code[0] = value[0];
-    record.conditional_code[1] = value[1];
-template <>
-inline void SetField<DebugDataRecord::COND_BOOL_IN>(DebugDataRecord& record, bool value) {
-    record.cond_bool = value;
-template <>
-inline void SetField<DebugDataRecord::COND_CMP_IN>(DebugDataRecord& record, bool* value) {
-    record.cond_cmp[0] = value[0];
-    record.cond_cmp[1] = value[1];
-template <>
-inline void SetField<DebugDataRecord::LOOP_INT_IN>(DebugDataRecord& record, Math::Vec4<u8> value) {
-    record.loop_int = value;
-template <>
-inline void SetField<DebugDataRecord::CUR_INSTR>(DebugDataRecord& record, u32 value) {
-    record.instruction_offset = value;
-template <>
-inline void SetField<DebugDataRecord::NEXT_INSTR>(DebugDataRecord& record, u32 value) {
-    record.next_instruction = value;
-// Helper function to set debug information on the current shader iteration.
-template <DebugDataRecord::Type type, typename ValueType>
-inline void Record(DebugData<false>& debug_data, u32 offset, ValueType value) {
-    // Debugging disabled => nothing to do
-template <DebugDataRecord::Type type, typename ValueType>
-inline void Record(DebugData<true>& debug_data, u32 offset, ValueType value) {
-    if (offset >= debug_data.records.size())
-        debug_data.records.resize(offset + 1);
-    SetField<type, ValueType>(debug_data.records[offset], value);
-    debug_data.records[offset].mask |= type;
  * This structure contains the state information that needs to be unique for a shader unit. The 3DS
  * has four shader units that process shaders in parallel. At the present, Citra only implements a
diff --git a/src/video_core/shader/shader_interpreter.cpp b/src/video_core/shader/shader_interpreter.cpp
index 6abb6761f..167f9edc3 100644
--- a/src/video_core/shader/shader_interpreter.cpp
+++ b/src/video_core/shader/shader_interpreter.cpp
@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@
 #include <array>
 #include <cmath>
 #include <numeric>
+#include <boost/container/static_vector.hpp>
 #include <nihstro/shader_bytecode.h>
 #include "common/assert.h"
 #include "common/common_types.h"