diff --git a/src/core/hle/kernel/k_code_memory.cpp b/src/core/hle/kernel/k_code_memory.cpp
index b365ce7b7..63bbe02e9 100644
--- a/src/core/hle/kernel/k_code_memory.cpp
+++ b/src/core/hle/kernel/k_code_memory.cpp
@@ -28,7 +28,8 @@ ResultCode KCodeMemory::Initialize(Core::DeviceMemory& device_memory, VAddr addr
     auto& page_table = m_owner->PageTable();
     // Construct the page group.
-    m_page_group = KPageLinkedList(addr, Common::DivideUp(size, PageSize));
+    m_page_group =
+        KPageLinkedList(page_table.GetPhysicalAddr(addr), Common::DivideUp(size, PageSize));
     // Lock the memory.
     R_TRY(page_table.LockForCodeMemory(addr, size))
diff --git a/src/core/hle/kernel/k_page_linked_list.h b/src/core/hle/kernel/k_page_linked_list.h
index 0e2ae582a..869228322 100644
--- a/src/core/hle/kernel/k_page_linked_list.h
+++ b/src/core/hle/kernel/k_page_linked_list.h
@@ -89,6 +89,10 @@ public:
         return ResultSuccess;
+    bool Empty() const {
+        return nodes.empty();
+    }
     std::list<Node> nodes;
diff --git a/src/core/hle/kernel/k_page_table.cpp b/src/core/hle/kernel/k_page_table.cpp
index 02d93b12e..599013cf6 100644
--- a/src/core/hle/kernel/k_page_table.cpp
+++ b/src/core/hle/kernel/k_page_table.cpp
@@ -486,6 +486,58 @@ VAddr KPageTable::FindFreeArea(VAddr region_start, std::size_t region_num_pages,
     return address;
+ResultCode KPageTable::MakePageGroup(KPageLinkedList& pg, VAddr addr, size_t num_pages) {
+    ASSERT(this->IsLockedByCurrentThread());
+    const size_t size = num_pages * PageSize;
+    // We're making a new group, not adding to an existing one.
+    R_UNLESS(pg.Empty(), ResultInvalidCurrentMemory);
+    // Begin traversal.
+    Common::PageTable::TraversalContext context;
+    Common::PageTable::TraversalEntry next_entry;
+    R_UNLESS(page_table_impl.BeginTraversal(next_entry, context, addr), ResultInvalidCurrentMemory);
+    // Prepare tracking variables.
+    PAddr cur_addr = next_entry.phys_addr;
+    size_t cur_size = next_entry.block_size - (cur_addr & (next_entry.block_size - 1));
+    size_t tot_size = cur_size;
+    // Iterate, adding to group as we go.
+    const auto& memory_layout = system.Kernel().MemoryLayout();
+    while (tot_size < size) {
+        R_UNLESS(page_table_impl.ContinueTraversal(next_entry, context),
+                 ResultInvalidCurrentMemory);
+        if (next_entry.phys_addr != (cur_addr + cur_size)) {
+            const size_t cur_pages = cur_size / PageSize;
+            R_UNLESS(IsHeapPhysicalAddress(memory_layout, cur_addr), ResultInvalidCurrentMemory);
+            R_TRY(pg.AddBlock(cur_addr, cur_pages));
+            cur_addr = next_entry.phys_addr;
+            cur_size = next_entry.block_size;
+        } else {
+            cur_size += next_entry.block_size;
+        }
+        tot_size += next_entry.block_size;
+    }
+    // Ensure we add the right amount for the last block.
+    if (tot_size > size) {
+        cur_size -= (tot_size - size);
+    }
+    // Add the last block.
+    const size_t cur_pages = cur_size / PageSize;
+    R_UNLESS(IsHeapPhysicalAddress(memory_layout, cur_addr), ResultInvalidCurrentMemory);
+    R_TRY(pg.AddBlock(cur_addr, cur_pages));
+    return ResultSuccess;
 ResultCode KPageTable::UnmapProcessMemory(VAddr dst_addr, std::size_t size,
                                           KPageTable& src_page_table, VAddr src_addr) {
     KScopedLightLock lk(general_lock);
@@ -1223,6 +1275,31 @@ ResultCode KPageTable::UnmapPages(VAddr address, std::size_t num_pages, KMemoryS
     return ResultSuccess;
+ResultCode KPageTable::MakeAndOpenPageGroup(KPageLinkedList* out, VAddr address, size_t num_pages,
+                                            KMemoryState state_mask, KMemoryState state,
+                                            KMemoryPermission perm_mask, KMemoryPermission perm,
+                                            KMemoryAttribute attr_mask, KMemoryAttribute attr) {
+    // Ensure that the page group isn't null.
+    ASSERT(out != nullptr);
+    // Make sure that the region we're mapping is valid for the table.
+    const size_t size = num_pages * PageSize;
+    R_UNLESS(this->Contains(address, size), ResultInvalidCurrentMemory);
+    // Lock the table.
+    KScopedLightLock lk(general_lock);
+    // Check if state allows us to create the group.
+    R_TRY(this->CheckMemoryState(address, size, state_mask | KMemoryState::FlagReferenceCounted,
+                                 state | KMemoryState::FlagReferenceCounted, perm_mask, perm,
+                                 attr_mask, attr));
+    // Create a new page group for the region.
+    R_TRY(this->MakePageGroup(*out, address, num_pages));
+    return ResultSuccess;
 ResultCode KPageTable::SetProcessMemoryPermission(VAddr addr, std::size_t size,
                                                   Svc::MemoryPermission svc_perm) {
     const size_t num_pages = size / PageSize;
@@ -1605,57 +1682,21 @@ ResultCode KPageTable::UnlockForDeviceAddressSpace(VAddr addr, std::size_t size)
 ResultCode KPageTable::LockForCodeMemory(VAddr addr, std::size_t size) {
-    KScopedLightLock lk(general_lock);
-    KMemoryPermission new_perm = KMemoryPermission::NotMapped | KMemoryPermission::KernelReadWrite;
-    KMemoryPermission old_perm{};
-    if (const ResultCode result{CheckMemoryState(
-            nullptr, &old_perm, nullptr, nullptr, addr, size, KMemoryState::FlagCanCodeMemory,
-            KMemoryState::FlagCanCodeMemory, KMemoryPermission::All,
-            KMemoryPermission::UserReadWrite, KMemoryAttribute::All, KMemoryAttribute::None)};
-        result.IsError()) {
-        return result;
-    }
-    new_perm = (new_perm != KMemoryPermission::None) ? new_perm : old_perm;
-    block_manager->UpdateLock(
-        addr, size / PageSize,
-        [](KMemoryBlockManager::iterator block, KMemoryPermission permission) {
-            block->ShareToDevice(permission);
-        },
-        new_perm);
-    return ResultSuccess;
+    return this->LockMemoryAndOpen(
+        nullptr, nullptr, addr, size, KMemoryState::FlagCanCodeMemory,
+        KMemoryState::FlagCanCodeMemory, KMemoryPermission::All, KMemoryPermission::UserReadWrite,
+        KMemoryAttribute::All, KMemoryAttribute::None,
+        static_cast<KMemoryPermission>(KMemoryPermission::NotMapped |
+                                       KMemoryPermission::KernelReadWrite),
+        KMemoryAttribute::Locked);
 ResultCode KPageTable::UnlockForCodeMemory(VAddr addr, std::size_t size) {
-    KScopedLightLock lk(general_lock);
-    KMemoryPermission new_perm = KMemoryPermission::UserReadWrite;
-    KMemoryPermission old_perm{};
-    if (const ResultCode result{CheckMemoryState(
-            nullptr, &old_perm, nullptr, nullptr, addr, size, KMemoryState::FlagCanCodeMemory,
-            KMemoryState::FlagCanCodeMemory, KMemoryPermission::None, KMemoryPermission::None,
-            KMemoryAttribute::All, KMemoryAttribute::Locked)};
-        result.IsError()) {
-        return result;
-    }
-    new_perm = (new_perm != KMemoryPermission::None) ? new_perm : old_perm;
-    block_manager->UpdateLock(
-        addr, size / PageSize,
-        [](KMemoryBlockManager::iterator block, KMemoryPermission permission) {
-            block->UnshareToDevice(permission);
-        },
-        new_perm);
-    return ResultSuccess;
+    return this->UnlockMemory(addr, size, KMemoryState::FlagCanCodeMemory,
+                              KMemoryState::FlagCanCodeMemory, KMemoryPermission::None,
+                              KMemoryPermission::None, KMemoryAttribute::All,
+                              KMemoryAttribute::Locked, KMemoryPermission::UserReadWrite,
+                              KMemoryAttribute::Locked, nullptr);
 ResultCode KPageTable::InitializeMemoryLayout(VAddr start, VAddr end) {
@@ -1991,4 +2032,109 @@ ResultCode KPageTable::CheckMemoryState(KMemoryState* out_state, KMemoryPermissi
     return ResultSuccess;
+ResultCode KPageTable::LockMemoryAndOpen(KPageLinkedList* out_pg, PAddr* out_paddr, VAddr addr,
+                                         size_t size, KMemoryState state_mask, KMemoryState state,
+                                         KMemoryPermission perm_mask, KMemoryPermission perm,
+                                         KMemoryAttribute attr_mask, KMemoryAttribute attr,
+                                         KMemoryPermission new_perm, KMemoryAttribute lock_attr) {
+    // Validate basic preconditions.
+    ASSERT((lock_attr & attr) == KMemoryAttribute::None);
+    ASSERT((lock_attr & (KMemoryAttribute::IpcLocked | KMemoryAttribute::DeviceShared)) ==
+           KMemoryAttribute::None);
+    // Validate the lock request.
+    const size_t num_pages = size / PageSize;
+    R_UNLESS(this->Contains(addr, size), ResultInvalidCurrentMemory);
+    // Lock the table.
+    KScopedLightLock lk(general_lock);
+    // Check that the output page group is empty, if it exists.
+    if (out_pg) {
+        ASSERT(out_pg->GetNumPages() == 0);
+    }
+    // Check the state.
+    KMemoryState old_state{};
+    KMemoryPermission old_perm{};
+    KMemoryAttribute old_attr{};
+    size_t num_allocator_blocks{};
+    R_TRY(this->CheckMemoryState(std::addressof(old_state), std::addressof(old_perm),
+                                 std::addressof(old_attr), std::addressof(num_allocator_blocks),
+                                 addr, size, state_mask | KMemoryState::FlagReferenceCounted,
+                                 state | KMemoryState::FlagReferenceCounted, perm_mask, perm,
+                                 attr_mask, attr));
+    // Get the physical address, if we're supposed to.
+    if (out_paddr != nullptr) {
+        ASSERT(this->GetPhysicalAddressLocked(out_paddr, addr));
+    }
+    // Make the page group, if we're supposed to.
+    if (out_pg != nullptr) {
+        R_TRY(this->MakePageGroup(*out_pg, addr, num_pages));
+    }
+    // Decide on new perm and attr.
+    new_perm = (new_perm != KMemoryPermission::None) ? new_perm : old_perm;
+    KMemoryAttribute new_attr = static_cast<KMemoryAttribute>(old_attr | lock_attr);
+    // Update permission, if we need to.
+    if (new_perm != old_perm) {
+        R_TRY(Operate(addr, num_pages, new_perm, OperationType::ChangePermissions));
+    }
+    // Apply the memory block updates.
+    block_manager->Update(addr, num_pages, old_state, new_perm, new_attr);
+    return ResultSuccess;
+ResultCode KPageTable::UnlockMemory(VAddr addr, size_t size, KMemoryState state_mask,
+                                    KMemoryState state, KMemoryPermission perm_mask,
+                                    KMemoryPermission perm, KMemoryAttribute attr_mask,
+                                    KMemoryAttribute attr, KMemoryPermission new_perm,
+                                    KMemoryAttribute lock_attr, const KPageLinkedList* pg) {
+    // Validate basic preconditions.
+    ASSERT((attr_mask & lock_attr) == lock_attr);
+    ASSERT((attr & lock_attr) == lock_attr);
+    // Validate the unlock request.
+    const size_t num_pages = size / PageSize;
+    R_UNLESS(this->Contains(addr, size), ResultInvalidCurrentMemory);
+    // Lock the table.
+    KScopedLightLock lk(general_lock);
+    // Check the state.
+    KMemoryState old_state{};
+    KMemoryPermission old_perm{};
+    KMemoryAttribute old_attr{};
+    size_t num_allocator_blocks{};
+    R_TRY(this->CheckMemoryState(std::addressof(old_state), std::addressof(old_perm),
+                                 std::addressof(old_attr), std::addressof(num_allocator_blocks),
+                                 addr, size, state_mask | KMemoryState::FlagReferenceCounted,
+                                 state | KMemoryState::FlagReferenceCounted, perm_mask, perm,
+                                 attr_mask, attr));
+    // Check the page group.
+    if (pg != nullptr) {
+        UNIMPLEMENTED_MSG("PageGroup support is unimplemented!");
+    }
+    // Decide on new perm and attr.
+    new_perm = (new_perm != KMemoryPermission::None) ? new_perm : old_perm;
+    KMemoryAttribute new_attr = static_cast<KMemoryAttribute>(old_attr & ~lock_attr);
+    // Update permission, if we need to.
+    if (new_perm != old_perm) {
+        R_TRY(Operate(addr, num_pages, new_perm, OperationType::ChangePermissions));
+    }
+    // Apply the memory block updates.
+    block_manager->Update(addr, num_pages, old_state, new_perm, new_attr);
+    return ResultSuccess;
 } // namespace Kernel
diff --git a/src/core/hle/kernel/k_page_table.h b/src/core/hle/kernel/k_page_table.h
index 54c6adf8d..bfabdf38c 100644
--- a/src/core/hle/kernel/k_page_table.h
+++ b/src/core/hle/kernel/k_page_table.h
@@ -12,6 +12,7 @@
 #include "core/file_sys/program_metadata.h"
 #include "core/hle/kernel/k_light_lock.h"
 #include "core/hle/kernel/k_memory_block.h"
+#include "core/hle/kernel/k_memory_layout.h"
 #include "core/hle/kernel/k_memory_manager.h"
 #include "core/hle/result.h"
@@ -71,6 +72,10 @@ public:
     ResultCode UnlockForDeviceAddressSpace(VAddr addr, std::size_t size);
     ResultCode LockForCodeMemory(VAddr addr, std::size_t size);
     ResultCode UnlockForCodeMemory(VAddr addr, std::size_t size);
+    ResultCode MakeAndOpenPageGroup(KPageLinkedList* out, VAddr address, size_t num_pages,
+                                    KMemoryState state_mask, KMemoryState state,
+                                    KMemoryPermission perm_mask, KMemoryPermission perm,
+                                    KMemoryAttribute attr_mask, KMemoryAttribute attr);
     Common::PageTable& PageTableImpl() {
         return page_table_impl;
@@ -159,10 +164,37 @@ private:
                                       attr_mask, attr, ignore_attr);
+    ResultCode LockMemoryAndOpen(KPageLinkedList* out_pg, PAddr* out_paddr, VAddr addr, size_t size,
+                                 KMemoryState state_mask, KMemoryState state,
+                                 KMemoryPermission perm_mask, KMemoryPermission perm,
+                                 KMemoryAttribute attr_mask, KMemoryAttribute attr,
+                                 KMemoryPermission new_perm, KMemoryAttribute lock_attr);
+    ResultCode UnlockMemory(VAddr addr, size_t size, KMemoryState state_mask, KMemoryState state,
+                            KMemoryPermission perm_mask, KMemoryPermission perm,
+                            KMemoryAttribute attr_mask, KMemoryAttribute attr,
+                            KMemoryPermission new_perm, KMemoryAttribute lock_attr,
+                            const KPageLinkedList* pg);
+    ResultCode MakePageGroup(KPageLinkedList& pg, VAddr addr, size_t num_pages);
     bool IsLockedByCurrentThread() const {
         return general_lock.IsLockedByCurrentThread();
+    bool IsHeapPhysicalAddress(const KMemoryLayout& layout, PAddr phys_addr) {
+        ASSERT(this->IsLockedByCurrentThread());
+        return layout.IsHeapPhysicalAddress(cached_physical_heap_region, phys_addr);
+    }
+    bool GetPhysicalAddressLocked(PAddr* out, VAddr virt_addr) const {
+        ASSERT(this->IsLockedByCurrentThread());
+        *out = GetPhysicalAddr(virt_addr);
+        return *out != 0;
+    }
     mutable KLightLock general_lock;
     mutable KLightLock map_physical_memory_lock;
@@ -322,6 +354,7 @@ private:
     bool is_aslr_enabled{};
     u32 heap_fill_value{};
+    const KMemoryRegion* cached_physical_heap_region{};
     KMemoryManager::Pool memory_pool{KMemoryManager::Pool::Application};
     KMemoryManager::Direction allocation_option{KMemoryManager::Direction::FromFront};
diff --git a/src/core/hle/kernel/svc.cpp b/src/core/hle/kernel/svc.cpp
index 839171e85..976d63234 100644
--- a/src/core/hle/kernel/svc.cpp
+++ b/src/core/hle/kernel/svc.cpp
@@ -1362,8 +1362,11 @@ static ResultCode MapProcessMemory(Core::System& system, VAddr dst_address, Hand
     // Create a new page group.
-    KMemoryInfo kBlockInfo = dst_pt.QueryInfo(dst_address);
-    KPageLinkedList pg(kBlockInfo.GetAddress(), kBlockInfo.GetNumPages());
+    KPageLinkedList pg;
+    R_TRY(src_pt.MakeAndOpenPageGroup(
+        std::addressof(pg), src_address, size / PageSize, KMemoryState::FlagCanMapProcess,
+        KMemoryState::FlagCanMapProcess, KMemoryPermission::None, KMemoryPermission::None,
+        KMemoryAttribute::All, KMemoryAttribute::None));
     // Map the group.
     R_TRY(dst_pt.MapPages(dst_address, pg, KMemoryState::SharedCode,
@@ -1408,8 +1411,8 @@ static ResultCode UnmapProcessMemory(Core::System& system, VAddr dst_address, Ha
 static ResultCode CreateCodeMemory(Core::System& system, Handle* out, VAddr address, size_t size) {
-    LOG_TRACE(Kernel_SVC, "called, handle_out={}, address=0x{:X}, size=0x{:X}",
-              static_cast<void*>(out), address, size);
+    LOG_TRACE(Kernel_SVC, "called, address=0x{:X}, size=0x{:X}", address, size);
     // Get kernel instance.
     auto& kernel = system.Kernel();
@@ -1664,7 +1667,7 @@ static ResultCode UnmapProcessCodeMemory(Core::System& system, Handle process_ha
         return ResultInvalidAddress;
-    if (size == 0 || Common::Is4KBAligned(size)) {
+    if (size == 0 || !Common::Is4KBAligned(size)) {
         LOG_ERROR(Kernel_SVC, "Size is zero or not page-aligned (size=0x{:016X}).", size);
         return ResultInvalidSize;